Thursday 3 August 2017

Beauty of the rainy season -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

Beauty of the rainy season    -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV
Beauty of the rainy season    -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

Beauty of the rainy season   -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

It was approximately 5.15 am on July 20 when I put my first step out of my house, thinking to go on a long brisk walk. The "pachhua pawan"[Westerly wind ] was blowing and some tiny drops of rain had started falling on the ground. This type of wind was salubrious  and soothing, giving a lot of obvious relief to humidity-hit common people of my town-Fatehabad. I rode my bicycle leisurely as I had been leading a very hectic life for the last two months-braving dust storms,long journeys and long spells of electricity cuts.On several occasions, in the day time when the sun poured embers on the earth, I found my shirt sticking to my back because of continuous sweat. I felt a great relief from heat whenever a fresh whiff of air  passed by me. An English proverb says,"There is no time like the present".  I can never forget that rainy morning when I halted at a modest road-side tea-stall for enjoying a cup of tea. Now the drizzling had given way to torrential rainfall. I couldn't move away from there for full one hour  because it was raining cats and dogs. When the rain abated a bit, I wished to rush back home at once. But William Shakespeare has so wisely cautioned us," If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride them." In fact, I was not riding a horse but only a bicycle though it was very difficult now to pedal through the knee-deep water currents. The roads and streets had turned into threatening rivulets. I felt musing like the great bard,"Rain,it raineth everyday". Though everyday, I pass through this familiar road and I am aware of each and every pit and manhole yet because of surging waves of water, I couldn't notice them in time and fell into one of them with a splash alongwith my bicycle. I looked in front of me, behind me to ensure that nobody had seen me in that awkward condition. Very soon, I got up and pulled my cycle out of the small well-known pit. I thanked the rain-gods that I did not suffer any cuts or bruises.
 Somehow I managed to reach home but only after getting drenched from head to toe with muddy water squelching from my shoes. When my wife saw me, she shouted at me,"Now you enjoy the fruits of your misadventure. I had advised you to stay indoors!" The timely heavy downpour had brought the day temperature considerably down and at night, we had a sound sleep. Next day, in the morning, the weather was pleasant. While riding my motorcycle from Fatehabad to Sirsa city, I could see and feel the beauty of nature everywhere. The paddy saplings which were planted in the last week of June and the first two weeks of July had successfully taken roots. They had now turned green from yellow. The rain water collected in the fields for miles together was shining bright white. The trees of neem, sheesham,peepal and acacia were looking superbly attractive with their thick foliage overlapping one another. Below every acacia tree, I could notice the ground was strewn with small yellow flowers. These tiny flowers of yellow and golden colours seemed to be greeting every passerby. I saw a herd of monkeys jumping over one another under the trees. Some farmers were going towards fields with spades on their shoulders. They are the real heroes of the countryside. In the fields, the groves of trees near the tubewells appeared as the abodes  of gods with a lot of magic and mystery. The dhanis[hamlets] located amidst the paddy fields with the large sheets of water around them had assumed the shapes of separate islands. The mild wind blowing from the west direction was causing mesmerizing ripples in the ponds and the country lanes which had been recently submerged into water. I noticed a large number of pigeons flying over fields and gardens.   The natural scenes on both sides of the highway were quite thrilling and enchanting with every plant,shrub and tree having turned deep green. The tree-tops with freshly grown light green leaves indicated mysteriously towards heaven. The helicopter butterflies were hovering  over and through plants,grassy lanes, trees and creepers. When the clouds loomed large across the sky and the wind became a bit stronger,cajoling the trees to dance in joy, my heart told me," Nature is man's best friend and in the lap of nature, we experience our maximum happiness".
The entire route from Gillan Khera village to Sirsa city is marked with the small and large but deep green orchards of guava. On the roadsides, some villagers are seen selling freshly plucked delicious guavas in baskets. On the outskirts of Sirsa city, we can spot a few small gardens of mango also. The whole landscape looks green,green and only green. The paddy fields and the open spaces submerged into pure white rain-water herald the arrival of the monsoon" the queen of all seasons". I feel really elated in the heart of my hearts when the tiny rain-drops start falling on my head and face, slowly and slowly wetting my body and soothing my soul also.
Behind Kath Mandi, Kranti Nagar, Fatehabad[Haryana]

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