Friday 2 February 2018

Sarovadaya leader- Dada Ganeshi Lal - Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

  Sarovadaya leader- Dada Ganeshi Lal     - Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

 Sarovadaya leader- Dada Ganeshi Lal


                -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

 It was 1979 when I visited the Sarvodaya Bhawan alongwith a close friend for the first time in Hisar in the evening. I had heard that on Sundays, a " vichar gosthi"[  symposium] was held here and a distinguished social worker,journalist or a scholar of the town was invited to address the audience for half to one hour,followed by a question-answer session. When I entered the modest conference hall, I saw a frail old man in his eighties singing,"Bisar gai sab taat parai/Jab te sadh sangat mohe paayi"[Nobody has remained  a stranger to me since I got the company of saints]. My friend leaned over and whispered in my ear,"Look here! It is Dada Ganeshi Lal- famous Sarvodaya leader and freedom fighter of Haryana". I felt mesmerised and spiritually lifted at his soul-stirring words,"Na hi koi beri, nahi begana/sagal sangi hum ko bani aai"[ Nobody is my enemy nor is anyone a stranger to me because I have come to realize that only in the company of all human beings, I can have my own meaningful existence]". Later on, I came to know that this divine and melodious poem was composed by the fifth Sikh Guru, Shri Arjan Devji.

                                     As a college student, I was very fond of good books. I was quite curious to know more and more about our great men. Dada Ganeshi Lal was kind enough to encourage me to go through the biography of Gandhiji.He looked very old and physically emaciated yet his words were very powerful. One day , I saw him sitting in a chair in the courtyard of the Sarvodaya Bhawan. He said to me," Take a chair and let me know what you have been reading these days". I humbly replied,"Books on Gandhi!" He kept quiet for a few seconds and then asked me,"What do you think about the philosophy of this great man?" As my college teachers had taught me in the classroom, I promptly said," He is an apostle of non-violence!" Dadaji smiled a bit and said," You are right but you must know that what Gandhiji said in words, he actually practised that in words too".  He paused and added" People in millions came out to attend his mammoth rallies during the freedom struggle. He was the tallest leader of our freedom struggle".
                 What impressed me the most about Dada Ganeshi Lal was that he led a very simple life. He never boasted about his role in freedom struggle and the "Bhoodan Movement" after our Independence. He always dressed himself in the coarse clothes of khadi with a Gandhian cap on his head.I never saw him eating dry fruits like our present day leaders. He enjoyed a few well-baked "chapatis" with lentil. He firmly believed in Gandhi's advice," All compromise is  based on give and take, but there can be no give and take on fundamentals!" It is a fact that Dada Ganeshi Lal fought for peasants and weaker sections all his life. He was,no doubt, in a way, the Gandhi of Haryana. Once, I asked him, 'How did you look like in your youth, Dadaji?" He went inside and came out with a book in which his photo in black had been published. He  looked like a youth in his early twenties. He laughed and said," I was born in Patiala. I came here when I had just grown up into a youngman". He did'tmarry and raise a family. When I asked him,"How can people control their egos in public life?" Dada Ganeshi Lal's words still resonate in my ears," Suppose, I have drawn a small line  as a social worker, you may raise a bigger line than mine but you cannot erase it altogether". We should respect one another and wait for our turn.
                                          Dada Ganeshi Lal remained in the British jails of joint Punjab for years together. Our popular heroes of freedom struggle like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan, visited him. It was JP himself who addressed him as"Dada" in one of public meetings held during the "Bhoodan movement" in Hisar and Sirsa districts in fifties. Most reputed Chief Ministers of joint Punjab  like Gopichand Bhargav and Bhimsen Sachhar knew about his pro-people and fearless life as a social reformer. He raised the issue of "muzaras"[landless farmers] alongwith Choudhary Sahab Ram, Lehari Singh, Com. Harkishan Singh Surjeet, Choudhary Devi Lal, Lajpat Rai Alakhpura, Ladhu Ram Verma and Mani Ram Bagri. Dada Ganeshi Lal played the key role in persuading the former Chief Ministers of joint Punjab to adopt Punjab Farming Ordinance Act, 1950 and passing the Punjab Farming Security Resolution also. He toured hundreds of villages in order to abolish the feudal practice of "zamindari" in the rural areas. The people of Hisar, Fatehabad and Sirsa districts will always remember him as an upright and selfless social reformer. He tried his best to change the land relations and empower the landless by donating land to them. He left for his heavenly abode in early nineties. It is quite painful to say that we don't have an authentic biography on the life and works of Dada Ganeshi Lal, the eminent freedom fighter and Sarvodaya leader of Haryana.Dada Ganeshi Lal will always dwell in the hearts of common people of Haryana.

Note:- The writer is a Fatehabad-based academician.

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