Friday 3 August 2018

Beauty of the rainy days -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

 Beauty of the rainy days    -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV

 Beauty of the rainy days
                                                              -Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV
Ashley Smith, an American author , has very beautifully remarked,"Smell the rain, and feel the wind'. In the mornings, I like to be left alone, strolling in the public parks and the country lanes. In the summer season, I start perspiring very soon and halt under a neem or peepal tree to take some rest and recharge my lost energy. But when a cool breeze starts blowing and I sense  a mild rustle in the leaves, I consider myself the happiest person on the earth. The presence of clouds in the sky confirms my hope for rainfall. Clouds are also of different types. The stratus clouds are found in the lower elevation with extended horizontal sheets. The cumulus clouds are dense and they condense at the altitude of 1800 meters. They are bright white and look like big puffs of cotton. The nimbus clouds are also very thick clouds with their lower parts being dark and fagged. When I was a small child, I saw the family elders pointing to the oncoming  broad white sheet of  clouds  from behind the mango groves and sounding a sort of weather alert,"Barkha aayi,barkha aayi"[ the rain has come]. It was a very thrilling moment, first the small drops fell into the dust,raising still more dust around them. Then, big drops followed the tiny ones and we could see pools of water in no time and big puddles outside the village in the morning.  I watched and felt delighted to find the fish in groups moving  in the reverse direction in the flowing  rain water.
                                                                                              The monsoon has  not burst out with a fury in the month of July this year. It has  moved at snail's pace so far yet the common people have welcomed it with great enthusiasm. On July 13, I was on a routine morning walk along with a poet friend,many years older than me. He said to me prophetically," Let me share a poem with you which I have penned down on the topic,"Rain"!" No sooner had he uttered these words than the tiny drops of rain started descending on the ground, some of them  gently hit our  heads and shoulders also. Within seconds, they grew bigger in volume, forcing us to look for shelter under the thick boughs of a sprawling bakain tree. Now, it was raining cats and dogs and I could notice the rain-water dripping down on our bodies through even minor gaps between the huge green foliage. Despite all this, we could spot some men and women still busy walking on the track, getting drenched to the bone  Roger Miller has quite pertinently observed,"Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet". On July 22, there was a heavy rainfall in the region. I grew up in a family of peasants so I have a special liking for the rainy season. While on a personal visit to a small country town in the morning, I could see the green cotton plants freshly bathed in the rainwater,some of them in initial flowering stage also. The entire landscape looked marvellous,lush green and mesmerising. It appeared as if we were passing through deep forests and a land dotted with lakes,rivers and rivulets everywhere. Percy Ross has very thoughtfully said,"Many drops make a bucket, many buckets make a lake, and many lakes make an ocean"

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