Monday 22 April 2019

Magic of the sunshine in spring

Magic of the sunshine in spring
   Magic of sunshine in Spring
                                    --Dr RAJ BAHADUR YADAV
 With the onset of Spring season in India, the summer also knocks at our doors. Towards the end of March, I stopped using muffler as my small turban in the morning while I happened to be on a morning walk. I had thrown the warm clothes into the closet  much earlier. Though the wind seems to be cold a bit brushing past my ears in the morning, after two or three rounds of the track in the local public park, it becomes tolerable and quite soothing too.
                                                            Like human beings, now the birds too become active early in the morning, chirping,hopping from one  branch to another with their beautiful tails rising up and down umpteen times within a second.In every flower-bed, I notice an enchanting bloom with red,yellow and pink flowers greeting you,"Ram, Ramji" just like some people with whom I have struck a nodding acquaintance. The dew drops appear like pearls settled on flowers, bushes and grass.The long  golden beams of sunshine falling on the grassy patches and piercing the dense green boughs of the trees cast a sort of magic spell on me. I feel wonder-struck and thrilled, with my eyes riveted on the light- green leaves, above and below the little white, violet and pink blossom on the farthest-tops of the different trees. I am quite happy, watching people passing under the soul-soothing shadows of trees. When I myself enter  such a  natural umbrella or canopy , I feel as If I should halt there forever, forgetting my home and hearth. Trees have a great curative power, capable of cooling our frayed tempers. I feel myself lucky when my eyes meet the pleasant rays of sunshine filtering through the green foliage. With folded hands, I bow down to eternal Sun in reverence. Neem[Azardiachta Indica] , Peepal and a few other trees brought from hilly areas are still shedding their leaves. These fallen leaves in contrast with the freshly sprouted leaves symbolize the cycle of life and death,rise and fall of empires and civilizations.
  During Spring, the mornings are really pleasant and the people are filled with fresh energy to start their day's work. A peasant is the happiest person, visiting his fields to find his wheat crop maturing. A wordsmith or a writer like me feels inspired to muse about new tales,full of fresh ideas.

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